How to cancel/remove Invited members from the group

I need to remove Invites members from the group.
Somehow group invites sent to lot of peoples in the company.
Unable to cancel/remove that invitation,
Unable to remove the members from the group,getting error message (Refer the screenshot)

We are using free gitlab with 5 members because of the above issue now 31 people added to that group.
So that group is in READ ONLY mode now, we are unable to commit or push the changes.
Please provide suggestion

You can remove group invitation on the same page, there is a “tab” to go to groups.

I am not seeing any tab options to remove group invitation

There is only 4 Active members in our group, but somehow group invite sent to our parent company people, unable to locate and cancel that invite

You need to find the project/group where the group invite is and remove it there.

Also the number of Seats in use is calculated only once per day. You won’t see an immediate change in the number.

I have delete the group invite from the Projects, and it does still showing the more seats.

You mentioned “number of Seats in use is calculated only once per day. You won’t see an immediate change in the number”

Do I have to wait until tomorrow to see the changes?

Yes. It will be updated eventually.

I am still seeing the same number,
Already removed the group and group invite.