Introduction: @jeymz

Hello everybody I’m Jay. I’ve been using GitLab since 2016 but recently have become more involved in the platform taking on things like CI/CD, SAST, Container / Package repository hosting, etc. I’m an application security analyst but often spend my free time embracing my developer roots and tinkering with my home lab. I am pretty new to as most of my experience has been with GitLab CE, but was pleasantly surprised at the similarities. Glad to be here!


Welcome @jeymz :beers:

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Hey Jay, welcome to the community :tada:

I’m glad you’re having a great experience with! Would love to hear more about your home lab :smiley: that sounds cool!

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Hello @jeymz ! :wave:
Welcome to the community!

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Oh I would never pass up the opportunity to geek out about infrastructure.
DC01 - Desktop running Windows Server 2019
HyperV01 - HP Micro Server running Windows Server 2019 HyperV Server 2019
Ryzen - Custom Build Workstation running Windows 10

DC01 runs HyperV and is both a domain controller and generally runs a single instance of my PFSense Backnet Firewall / Router

HyperV01 is a HyperV Server running
3 Ubuntu VMs for Percona MySQL XTRADB Cluster
1 Ubuntu VM Running NGINX Reverse Proxy and ProxySQL
1 Ubuntu VM running Docker - This is my Gitlab instance currently, though I have plans to move it to my Kubernetes Cluster
1 Ubuntu VM Running Rancher
1 Ubuntu VM Running RKE2 as Kubernetes Cluster Manager
1 Ubuntu VM Running RKE2 as Kubernetes Node

Ryzen is my main workstation and also runs HyperV
1 Ubuntu VM Running RKE2 as a Kubernetes Node

I have 2 deployments in Kubernetes for Gitlab runners. 1 is for my private instance and 1 is for projects on

I have 3 deployments for a CSP microservice software I have been working on building for a couple months.

I have 1 deployment for a customer project as a dev instance

I love having a homelab and even though it’s not perfect and could use quite a few improvements it serves as a great development environment for myself and my consulting business.



I am still new to gitlab, start using it in last summer and crawling for a while to set it up. Same as you, I use it as my home lab.

At first I use it as my SCM and logging my time of LXF training. Later on I got an idea to use its CI to provisioning two of my raspberry Pi4. Those Pi4 need to be rebuilt monthly as they are being used as Wifi/VPN/Pi-hole.

I got 4 identical SFF PCs for my home lab. They are running KVM with bridged network. Running 3 control planes and 3 worker nodes as VMs for another round of Kubernetes study at this moment. Running few other VMs like Windows 10, Gitlab, Jenkins, etc.