Markdown blank lines in indents ... argh!

OMG, I’m pulling my hair out on this silly little issue. I’m sure the answer is right in front of me, but I can’t see the forest for the trees right now on this thing! Thanks in advance for helping me “see the light” on this thing! :slight_smile:

So I have this markdown, with a simple list (3 spaces for each indent, per the docs):

- Line 1
   - Sub-line
   - Sub-line
      - Sub-line
         - Sub-line
     - Sub-line
         - Sub-line

But it shows up looking like this on the Wiki page:

- Line 1
   - Sub-line
   - Sub-line
      - Sub-line
         - Sub-line

     - Sub-line
         - Sub-line
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Is this a “graphical representation” (if so, a screenshot might be better :slight_smile: ) or the actual output? Ie., does it just appear like there’s additional blank line or is an extra blank line actually added to the code?

If it’s just the “graphical representation”, it is likely either funky HTML encoding or some CSS rules (or both) affecting this. For HTML, check the HTML output of the Markdown conversion (obviously). For CSS, use your browser’s inspection feature to see if there’s anything going on there.

If it’s actually adding a “random” blank line to the Markdown source code… then I have no idea. That sounds pretty buggy to me.

Yes, I made a typo in the “original” set of lists.

Here is a screenshot of the original markdown in edit mode:


Here is a screenshot of what it looks like if I save it or view it in preview mode:


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Did you inspect the HTML and/or the CSS?

Yes, here is what it looks like, with the element highlighted. Looks like it is just not including that last bullet in the previously defined ul at that level:

This has been driving me nuts for many months, and you don’t even have to go that deep for it. Try this and see the same issue:

- Line 1
   - Sub-line 1a
- Line 2

It happens any time you go back up in the nesting.

I tried both examples and they both show up fine for me. :man_shrugging: What browser are you using? (I’m on Firefox 66.0.3.)

I’m on firefox 87 and it is 2021 now :wink:
Same result on microsoft’s edge 89.0
Got the same problem on my wiki pages…

How to solve this issue?
