I can see my other team members commits there, so it must work, but whatever I put in the commit message (i.e. “#51 block UI update” or “Close #51 block UI update”) it never shows up there. However, if I go to Repository > Commits, I’m able to click on the “#51” and see the related issue.
I used Git Bash and Windows cmd with the following command: git commit -m “#51 Update UI”
Hi, got the same issue for all the repos in my group.
I tried creating a new repo (personal) and it worked perfectly there
Also tried from a new clone, or renewing my ssh keys, no changes
Hi, I have the same issue. I tried switching from git on the command line (I’m using Ubuntu 18.04) to Gitkraken but the commits are still not being referenced on the issues.
We finally figured it out. I was accidentally using a different gitlab account, double check if you are pushing commits with the right account. I had to recreate my ssh keys, too.
I have this issue too (referenced commits not showing). As the commits show up in the repository ok, why don’t the references show up in the issues? I only have one GitLab account so I can’t see how that could be related.