Repository size limit of 5 GB hit on


I have hit the repository size limit of 5 GB. So apparently I have 5 GB of files.

I have found several posts, including two of gitlab, which says it should be 10:

However, it seems to have been reduced. What are my options? I have checked the bronze etc plans, but they don’t mention repository size.

One solution would be to reduce the repository size:

or Reduce repository size | GitLab

but I would rather keep everything as it is now. We are very near a release and I would rather not mess anything up / spend way too much time on it.

Or is this simply an error from Gitlab ?


So it depends on how you’re adding files and the like.

The project repository limit itself should be 10GB. However, as outlined in the docs you mentioned, there is an upload and git push limit of 5GB. So if it’s one big push that’s more than 5 GB, we suggest breaking it up.

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Okay, I have found the actual problem: I thought I hit the repository limit, but when re-starting my MR, this message showed up.

Still a problem, but not this one, so I will close this.

I pushed a 6.29 GB compressed (.tar) file 1 year ago (Feb 2020) using LFS, but I forgot how I did it.
Is the 5GB limit new?
Thank you.

@BruceChen034020 as per the docs: settings | GitLab

git push and GitLab project imports are limited to 5 GB per request through Cloudflare. Git LFS and imports other than a file upload are not affected by this limit.

so this is why you can push using LFS > 5gb.

I was able to push it 1 year ago, but I can not push a large file using LFS now.
When I push a file larger than 5 GB using LFS, it shows Client error HTTP 413, while pushing files less than 4.9 GB with LFS works very well.