Ssh authentication fails [error 500] when mirroring GitHub to

Hi, I trying to mirroring my repo (upstream repo: github, and the mirror one: gitlab). This idea can be achieved by “repositories mirroring” feature on gitlab.

However, I encountered problems when using mirroring feature with “ssh authentication” (it works with https password method). It always return 500 error page without further notice/error (please see my attach pics).

Here are steps to reproduce issue:

  • Give the URL of upstream repo
  • Mirror dection: PULL
  • Input host key manually: copy the “fingerprint” from upstream-repo on github
  • Copy ssh-public-key from gitlab user -> github deploy key

Version: Enterprise Edition [11.4.0-ee]

Did I miss something or …?
Comments are highly appreciated :slight_smile: Thanks.

Pic1: This is my config for repositories mirroring

Error 500 without no hint ! :frowning:

Filed a bug report here:

Feel free to upvote the issue and add any comments you might feel is missing from the conversation.

Please check back on that issue for the status. Hopefully, we will get it sorted out for you soon.