SSH codes not recognized on 2FA page


SSH codes not recognized on 2FA page

I’m trying to use SSH recovery codes generated by the command ssh 2fa_recovery_codes. When I try to verify a code, I am told “this field is required” as shown in this screenshot:

recovery failure gitlab

When I try to verify a purely numerical code, ie. 123456, I get the expected Invalid two-factor code message as shown:
Invalid two-factor code.

Is this a replicable issue for anyone else? It began yesterday at noon for me. If so it may be a bug. Either way I would appreciate any assistance with recovering my account.

Coworker walked me through a solution. Disabled client-side regex-validation to send the ssh recovery-codes to the server.

So this is the working properly now?

Yes, recovery codes on should be working normally again. This bug unfortunately caused an issue where alphanumeric characters weren’t recognized by the 2FA code field.


Hi @Tristan!

Thanks for updating me with this.
