Use GitLab Registry as a Registry Mirror for the Runner


we are running GitLab for a while now without any issue regarding to the Docker Runners. But recently we run into docker hubs rate limits. I discussed with my colleague what our options are. We came up with the idea to use our GitLabs Registry as a Registry Mirror. This could reduces any overhead that we might have with all other solutions - so we wanted to give it a shot.

So our setup is pretty simple:

We are running gitlab and the gitlab runner as a docker container. I then configured the Registry Mirror on the host system as described here Registry as a pull through cache | Docker Documentation.

cat /etc/docker/daemon.json
  "registry-mirrors": [""]

After that it was a matter of restarting docker then verifying it with the following command

docker info
Registry Mirrors:

Looks like everything is in order.

I spun up docker logs -f gitlab to see any possible logs regarding the registry and did a docker pull node:latest. As expected everything worked.

Now here is the actual problem: If I use a docker image in the CI/CD pipeline I can see that pulling the image failed due to a unauthorized request.

==> /var/log/gitlab/gitlab-rails/production.log <==

Started GET "/jwt/auth?scope=repository%3Alibrary%2Fnode%3Apull&service=container_registry" for <ip> at 2021-02-04 07:12:39 +0000

Processing by JwtController#auth as HTML

Parameters: {"scope"=>"repository:library/node:pull", "service"=>"container_registry"}

Completed 403 Forbidden in 24ms (Views: 0.4ms | ActiveRecord: 1.8ms | Elasticsearch: 0.0ms | Allocations: 6107)

I would love to hear what you guys think about my approach.
Thanks a lot for your time

  • tuna

Have you found a solution in the meanwhile?

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Try to follow this guide: Caching Docker images to reduce the number of calls to Docker Hub from your CI/CD infrastructure

However that seems to use registry:2 docker image and not leveraging the GitLab Container Registry. So… what now?

(I know it’s an old post, but also for others who might end up here via search engines).

To answer myself (if you do not want to use another docker image), but use GitLab. Try to use Dependency Proxy | GitLab.