Today one of the users on (one of) the instance(s) I administer started complaining about getting “Your account has been blocked.” messages when using SSH to pull/push a project in GitLab.
He has no problems accessing the webUI, and using HTTPS urls for projects also works for him.
When I check in the admin area, his account looks perfectly normal, and is not listed as blocked. I’ve tried blocking and unblocking him, with no change in beaviour.
Like most other accounts, his was created using the API, but was neither the first nor the last to be so.
There are many settings for each user, so they don’t all fit on one screen, so instead of providing a series of screenshots, here are the (lightly edited to protect his identity and the company we work for) result of doing a GET in the API of his account:
"id": 250,
"username": "ssssssss",
"state": "active",
"avatar_url": "",
"web_url": "",
"created_at": "2018-10-04T07:22:51.938Z",
"bio": "",
"bio_html": "",
"location": null,
"public_email": "",
"skype": "",
"linkedin": "",
"twitter": "",
"website_url": "",
"organization": null,
"job_title": "",
"bot": false,
"work_information": null,
"followers": 0,
"following": 0,
"last_sign_in_at": "2021-08-05T15:52:41.691Z",
"confirmed_at": "2018-10-04T08:04:57.122Z",
"last_activity_on": "2021-08-06",
"email": "",
"theme_id": 5,
"color_scheme_id": 3,
"projects_limit": 1000,
"current_sign_in_at": "2021-08-06T10:11:28.179Z",
"identities": [],
"can_create_group": true,
"can_create_project": true,
"two_factor_enabled": false,
"external": false,
"private_profile": false,
"commit_email": "",
"shared_runners_minutes_limit": null,
"extra_shared_runners_minutes_limit": null,
"is_admin": false,
"note": null,
"using_license_seat": true,
"highest_role": 40,
"current_sign_in_ip": "",
"last_sign_in_ip": "",
"sign_in_count": 117,
"plan": "free",
"trial": false
What can cause this?
(It sounds similar to
but that seems to be about the users needing to be confirmed, but as can be seen from the API output above, this user is confirmed, so it’s not the same issue?)