I created a Subgroup in my Maingroup, with New Subgroup - Create a subgroup in this group.
I inherited access to my Subgroup from the Maingroup, but i was not set as an owner.
I wanted to be the real owner.
(This is the default behaviour on gitlab when creating Subgroup.)
So i tought if i move out the Subgroup to the Maingroup top level, i become the real owner, not just inherited.
So i moved out with Settings / Transfer group / No parent group.
My Subgroup disappeared, i cannot access it anymore, and i cannot see it, it is a private group.
Its because it has now no owner, and no member.
My Subgroup group path is still taken, and i cannot create a group with the same path.
Please help!
Some admin need to check that i created it, and set back to me as owner.
Please help! How can i get my group back?
Just encountered this same issue on gitlab.com.
We selected to transfer a project that had 2 sub-projects from an existing group to the option for “no parent” in the transfer options dropdown, thinking we would maintain some ownership - for example:
This results in 404 pages for both the old path and new path. I tried other paths including other namespaces in my account and still no luck. I also searched public projects and no luck.
It feels like the project exists somewhere - like it is orphaned now and needs to be reassociated to a namespace we manage, or that it is associated to a default namespace we can’t access. Either way, we are unable to get access. If anyone knows a workaround for this issue, it will save us time/headaches, I would really appreciate it.
Update: Gitlab support provided a really clear, helpful overview of inherited vs. direct permissions for groups/projects and how that impacted our scenario. The issue was resolved by having a member of my team who was the original group/project owner directly permit me to access /project/ in the new location. Sharing detail here in case others have a similar scenario in the future.
- I am owner of /group/
- I added another member “ABC” to /group/
- The member “ABC” in point 2 created /project/ as a subgroup of /group/ and became owner
- As owner of /group/ , my permission to /project/ was inherited vs. access to /project/ ever being provisioned directly
- My permission still allowed me to transfer /project/ to the “No Parent” namespace option - that occurred properly
- However, after transfer, /group/ is no longer the parent of /project/, so my inherited permission no longer applied. Therefore, I was seeing a 404 error for anything with /project/ . Member ABC and other members who were provisioned access directly did not have access issues.
- Member ABC added me directly to the project member list to resolve the issue