Confirmation mail not come

My profile still show Unverified near my email from I make commits.
I have tried to remove him from list of emails and add him again.
I have tried to push the button Reset confirmation email
I have tried to change my primary email to this
I have tried to Forgot my password

The confirmation email never come. To the same mail I have confirmed the account for this forum right now. So the email work well. There is no filter for this mails. There is no mail in the spam.


suggest opening a support ticket specifically for account/login problems.


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Thanks much for the link. I have tried to search for support but I have found just note that free user have to create a ticket in forum. :slight_smile:

No worries. It is a bit hidden on the website, as the general support form is available for customers. Account/login problems are something only our support teams with a limited number of privileged users can investigate, thus I directly pointed you to the form and pre-selected drop down :slight_smile: Iā€™m only an admin on this forum platform, on I do not have admin permissions.