Service Desk (mini?) in GitLab CE

I was pretty excited to see the new Service Desk feature in GitLab 9.1, but then learned that it isn’t in Community Edition. I entirely understand why, but I wonder if a limited-capability version of Service Desk might someday make it in to Community Edition? Perhaps a limit on the number of tickets or perhaps any future Service Desk features would remain in EE-only, but the core feature could be added to CE? Service Desk is the only feature in Enterprise Edition that would make the jump worthwhile for our small team.

Just thought I’d share our 2¢.

Thanks again for a wonderful product!


Definitely something I would like very much.

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Pretty appreciated at least a mini version, currently integrated with third party CRM using email (notifications and new issues) and it works but hand aand platform lot of configurations all over the place, including ghost users for email sending…

I went through the process (not easy anymore!) of updating for this feature alone BEFORE I realized its for EE only. Disappointing!

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Same happened to me, at the release post I see EE only and no (even mini/simple) version for free.

This feature would be really nice to have for big FOSS projects and avoids the overhead of setting up additional Discourse forums and/or mailing lists.

This would be more valuable to have in the community edition than in the enterprise edition in my opinion.

This feature is not really nice for the moment, you can not edit the messages.

Says service desk is available in all tiers now. The link to activate mine is missing.