Unable to delete image tags in container registry

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Hi all,

I’m currently trying to delete some old tags from the container registry but I am getting this error Something went wrong while marking the tags for deletion.

This is how I am trying to delete those tags by clicking on Delete Selected

I’m able to delete tags for other repos that I have a gitlab container registry for so this appears to be specific for this repo.

I suspect this may be due to the large amount of storage taken by all the images and large amount of tags for this repo.

Has anyone else ran into the same issue and have a suggestion on how to resolve this error?


Hi @pkheav :wave: :slightly_smiling_face:

Could you try to see that the returned error actually is? It may help to better identify the problem :slightly_smiling_face:

What I’m talking about is what you can see on the request and response when you use the browser developer tools and go to the Network tab. When you click the button a new request should get made and there you should be able to see what the actual error is :slightly_smiling_face:

Hi @zillemarco I’m facing the same problem with an archived project.

I’m owner of the project but when I try to delete tags from the container registry, the resquest provides this response:

        "data": {
            "destroyContainerRepositoryTags": null
        "errors": [
                "message": "The resource that you are attempting to access does not exist or you don't have permission to perform this action",
                "locations": [
                        "line": 2,
                        "column": 3
                "path": [

Can it be due to the fact that the project is archived?
