Warning about Restricted visibility levels when updating to 16.4


I host my own version of gitlab via docker and I’ve updated it to 16.3.4-ee.0. I see that there is a new release 16.4 and before I do the update, I read the release notes. On the current release note GitLab 16.4 released with customizable roles and group-level dependency list | GitLab it says:

Before upgrading to GitLab 16.4, you need to make sure the Restricted visibility levels admin setting does not select levels that are set as default project and group visibility.

I don’t really understand what that means, specially with wording like this: does not select levels that are set as default project and group visibility.

On my installation I have these settings:

Am I affected by this? Should I select something else? Reading through the merge request did not really make things clear.


Have not yet updated to 16.4.0, but I’m understanding it this way:

Before upgrading double check if you have set a project/group default visibility level that is excluded by the “Restricted visibility levels”

Looking at your screenshot everything seems to be ok, because all defaults are private and you restrict public.

If you would have set public as default project visibility that would be a problem, since public is selected as restricted in your environment.